Hotels become a destination themselves

Hotels werden selbst zur Destination

The change in the hotel industry: hotels become destinations. What does this mean, what impact does it have on your hotel, and when does your guests’ actual journey begin? You can find out all about it here!

Hotels become destinations

Hotels have a location where, until now, they have always had to integrate with their surroundings. For a long time, the location, whether city, by the sea or the mountains were the target destination where people travel and just need an overnight stay. However, the hotels of the future are no longer simple hotels. The hotels of the future are themselves the destinations. The goal of the hotel industry should be to stand out with skillful, innovative and individual strategies, so that the hotel itself becomes a destination and a destination, no matter where in the world it is located.

Exceptional concepts attract guests to these destinations. Your guests already know the 08/15 hotels in a mountain landscape. Young guests in particular are especially attracted by new attractions or services in and around hotels. An unusual concept in the hotel industry is the “destination me” concept.

Individuality is becoming increasingly important when traveling

The basic concept behind “Destination I” is quite simple in principle. Self-discovery trips. More and more people want to escape the stressful everyday life and decide to travel as individually as possible. Just come down is the motto. Offer your guests the opportunity to recharge their batteries and consciously switch off. A successful “destination me” concept can be seen. A guesthouse with several individually designed “quarters” with self-catering around 80,- to 180,- Euro per night. Guests of this quarter love freedom and informality, but do not want to give up high-quality ambience and luxury.
That is why the “destination me” is ideally complemented by hotels that promise unusual events. Thus, luxury on vacation is more important than ever. However, luxury is newly understood by the guest. Vacationers are increasingly looking for authenticity, focusing on individual well-being and declaring quality of life as a central goal.

Self-discovery and recreation include especially activities such as cycling, jogging or gymnastics on the meadow. Therefore, offer your guests a space where they can comfortably change clothes and lock up their belongings or safely park their bike.

Hotel industry conclusion: The guests of the future are increasingly looking for spaces and rituals where they can feel good and find themselves in peace. This luxury has a lot to do with comfort and quality. Varied destinations bring many new and, above all, curious guests to you.

Digitainment: The journey begins on the web

In the digital age with social media, smartphones and co., the Internet is the most important showcase for the hotel industry. The majority of guests look at reviews, price comparisons and social media channels online in advance. These serve as the basis for many travel decisions. Hotel websites are a must and nowadays Instagram and Facebook pages are not to be missed. Good representation on these channels brings many, especially young guests directly to the booking. Social networks are increasingly taking over opinion formation. The opinion of friends often counts more than any well-intentioned advice from travel agents. Deciding which hotel to book or where to go on the next trip is increasingly being moved online.

Hotel industry conclusion: In the future, hoteliers will have to position themselves clearly in the real digital world and also meet their customers online. Through profiles, blogs, chats and social media, users reveal a lot about themselves and their desires. These insights can be used for customer retention and therefore need to be addressed specifically.

Any questions? We will be happy to answer your questions in an individual meeting. Write to us at or simply call us at +43 5474 5500.

Greetings from Pfunds
Your team Regensburger!


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